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Old Girl On The Block

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  • Article summary:

    There comes a time when all the busyness and angst of the early years falls way.

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Old Girl On The Block

No more
She quietly whispers
No more endless net searches
No more reading research

No more
She gives a wry smile
No more stress about food
No more worry about muscle tone

No more
She whispers respectfully
No more music therapy
No more O.T.

No more
She is over it
No more listening to bullshit
No more liaising with drama

No more
She recalls lack of time
No more people in and out
No more therapy day after day

No more
She is sneakily sceptical
Of snake oil and such
Promise of cures, of this and of that

No more
She thoughtfully ponders
No more public speaking
No conferences to attend

No more
She sighs
No more avoidance
No more head in the sand

It is what it is
She draws in a deep breath
A mother with a difference
With Autism in her life

It is what it is
She swallows a lump
A mother who is like no other
With restrictions and an invisible cord

It is what it is
She blinks furiously
A mother entrenched in disability
With end of life worries

It is what it is
She looks with adoration
A mother who loves beyond measure
With a different life perspective

Bring it on
She yells out
No more dwelling on ‘what if’
Time to shift the balance

Bring it on
She bangs the table
No more with the woes
Time to refocus

Bring it on
She grins
No more all about him
Time to tilt those scales

Bring it on
She smirks
No more with the pandering
Time for challenge and growth

Bring it on
She lifts her shoulders
No more being the mum who can
Time for the girl who was

Bring it on
She straightens her back
No more worrying of what might be
Time for positivity and a glass half full

Bring it on
She says with confidence
No more stuffing around
Time to move forward

Bring it on
She is adamant
Time is about today and tomorrow
Bring it on
One life, live it

Di Maitland

Di Maitland originates from New Zealand and has been living in South Africa for twenty years. Her husband, Allan, is a keen runner and their two sons are heading towards adulthood. Di's youngest son, Nick, is on the more severe end of the autism spectrum. He attends a small school that was founded by Di and Allan in January, 2006.

Di blogs about her parenting journey over at The Bright Side of Life.


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